Who are We?

The Jefferson Soil and Water Conservation District (JSWCD) is a political subdivision of state government. It is funded by the county commissioners, the Ohio General Assembly through the Ohio Department of Agriculture, and many townships and municipalities. The funds provided by the Jefferson County Commissioners and local municipalities allow the District to draw matching funds from the state, which enable the District to continue its services.
Implementing our Mission
"Promoting Conservation of our Lands & Waters"

The Jefferson Soil and Water Conservation District promotes wise land-use management through technical and educational services in order to help people conserve and enhance the natural resources base for a better quality of life.
JSWCD Programs

- Youth Natural Resources Education
- Steel Valley Loggers Chapter
- Envirothon Environmental Education Program
- Adult Environmental Workshops and field days
- Youth and Adult Stream Monitoring Programs
- Pond Stocking Sale
- Technical Assistance for Landowners Installing Conservation Practices
- Native Tree and Shrub Sale
- Water Quality Program including EPA's NPDES Phase II Storm Water Mandate
- Storm Water Prevention Pollution Plan Reviews (SWP3)
- Current Agricultural Use Value (CAUV) program
- Farmers' gateway Market
- Piney Fork Trail Project